All touch stories have a tale and a trail, a front and a back, a straight line that leads to a circle…
I get every imaginable type of person who comes to me, in every shape and size, with the all the attendant pressures and enthusiasms of modern life.
I get people who want to experience a bigger canvas, as well as people who want a loving and artistic "shock" to their system. People who want a reset, a shakeup, and perhaps an upturn in a life soured by downturns and uncertainties.
I get people who are numb, people who are frazzled, people who are searching, and those who want to be found.
I get establishment folk who can't stand the frozen smile they must inhabit all day, while also getting outliers who want to sing a song with a fellow traveller and dissident of modern life.
I get the religious, in droves, because the body has its own spiritual arc, and its not so far from the sacred truths of the big books. This time, though, the decisions will be made by the feminine, rather than the top down masculine. It's good to have the reigns to your own wild animal.
I get the hidden artist, dressed in the frocks of conformity, ready to seek pleasure for its own sake, and release the hidden energies of the divine.
I get the silently abused, turned inward by circumstance, but secretly wishing for a deliverance, however modest and long-lasting. A taste, however brief, can light a thousand possibilities.
Perhaps you are one of these people, a hero with a thousand faces. I welcome you in whatever form you arrive.
Contact me
Please note that due to the volume of email and spam I receive, I no longer reply to anonymous emails. I will always respect your privacy once we have connected, but unless you are a real person, and I can see that, I will not respond. The Internet can be a strange place. :)
If you don’t see a reply from me within 24 hours, make sure to check your spam folder.
If you ask for a specific booking and then I send you the booking back and you don’t respond, I will not provide a second booking opportunity. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but my time is precious and I have limited appointments. :)
Please note that inappropriate emails or requests will be ignored.
Otherwise, let’s make sweetness and light together. :)